Don’t “Just Breathe”…

When the Breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the Breath is still, so is the mind still.” – Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Thousands of years ago in yogic tradition the importance of breathing and oxygen supply became evident.

Krishnamacharya 1938

Krishnamacharya (November 18, 1888 – February 28, 1989) was an Indian yoga teacher, ayurvedic healer and scholar. Often referred to as “the father of modern yoga”, he is widely known as one of the most influential yoga teachers of the 20th century and is credited with the revival of hatha yoga.
This is an old silent clip of Krishnamacharya practicing yoga.

Love the Label !

….These are just a few of the possible ingredients(toxins) in your daily use care products.

Yoga @ Nelson High School !

Over the past 2 semesters at Nelson High School, I have had the privilege to teach the art of yoga to the teen fitness students (mostly male). It was a first time experience for a lot of them —By the end of the semester they were left with open-minds, ideas on how their bodies can move anatomically, allowing them to prosper in their physical activities/sports and leaving them with clarity mentally, physically, and perhaps some spiritually – they were left ready & open to explore their bodies – expand their minds and reach their potentials.

Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

This three-week intensive Yoga Teacher Training is an exceptionally high quality, comprehensive and transformative experience. This Yoga Alliance approved 200 hour course is passionately and masterfully led by Jennifer Yarro and assisted by Sjonum A’walia.
Topics to be covered include this history & philosophy of yoga, Sanskrit, chanting, asana, pranayama, meditation, anatomy, class planning and sequencing ‘the business of yoga’.

Yoga As Competition?!

Yoga as competition?!
Having yoga as competition can allow for the world to be inspired. It brings exposure to the postures –to the practice of yoga- to the strength, flexibility, balance and endurance a human body can have. For this … I say YES…INSPIRATION – not competition!

Yoga Journal’s To Prop or Not to Prop

Many ask whether using a prop in their yoga practice is benifical or not…
This is an excellent article from the yoga journal that will help you decide if using props is right for you.

Cahuita, Costa Rica

Jan 12th – Feb12th
Hello everyone, having a wonderful time in Costa Rica; enjoying the rainy season and the Yoga Teacher Training Program. Will be back the 12th of February.
Keep on practicing, Keep on Learning Keep on Sharing… Yoga !


Oct 19th – Dec. 19th 2011
Currently travelling India – Filling my senses with the essence of this magnificent country.
The birth place of Yoga has lots to offer and a lifetime may not be enough to unveil it’s beauty .